The Plot...
\’Revenge is a dish best served cold… Very cold!\’
A pair of Scientists conduct a rather dubious experiment on an innocent little Penguin… The disgruntled Penguin vows revenge! He enlists his friend Gerald to help him in his dastardly plan!
Director\'s Statement...
\”Project Penguin\” was born out of a very short animation idea I had several years ago. However it started to develop into something more… A Looney Tunes inspired revenge story!
My biggest challenge was the fact that I, and I alone was responsible for making the entire film! I did it all: Story/script, production design, voices, music and not to mention all of the animation! It was exhausting at times but ultimately rewarding as I made the film I set out to make. It is one of my proudest achievements to date.
Film Festivals...
Film Specifications:
[themify_col grid=\”2-1 first\”]
- Runtime: 8:36 minutes
- Format: Digital | 1080p HD | 16.9 AR
[/themify_col][themify_col grid=\”2-1\”]
- Audio: Stereo
- Language: English
Software Applications:
[themify_col grid=\”2-1 first\”]
- Animation: ToonBoom Animate 2
- Compositing: After Effects
[themify_col grid=\”2-1\”]
- Artwork: Illustrator & Photoshop
- Audio: GarageBand & Soundtrack